Repent and Believe - Day 6
“…I have seen the affliction of my people and have herd their cry by reason of their taskmasters…” Exodus 3:7
The Bible teaches us that the Jewish people were in bitter bondage and slavery to the Egyptians nearly 400 years. During their stay in Egypt, God heard and saw the affliction they endured. Eventually the Lord sent Moses to strike Egypt and Pharaoh with deadly plagues to break the back of Egypt, so that the Jews would be set free. Pharaoh had no choice but to let the Jews go after the decimation of Egypt. This great Old Testament story foreshadowed a greater story that was to come 1,500 years later. The story of the Jews deliverance from the Egyptians was a literal, earthly picture to illustrate a heavenly, spiritual truth.
As humans, we are all in bondage and slavery to Satan (Pharaoh) and are living under Satan’s control in this world (Egypt). We are afflicted with suffering, pain and death. But there is good news! God sees and hears our afflictions in this world, and He sent Jesus to deliver us from Satan, sin, and death! Jesus broke the back of Satan and Egypt with His death on the cross! Now anyone who repents of sin, turns to Jesus, and believes in His death, burial and resurrection is set free eternally! Beloved, God sees your fears and afflictions and has already come down to deliver you! All you have to do is repent and believe! Will you stay stuck in Egypt or will you be set free forever! Trust Jesus today!