Born in Sin - Day 5
“…in sin did my mother conceive me…” Psalm 51:5
We are all sinners. Every one of us. We sin because our natures are bent toward sin. A baby does not have to be taught to say, “No.” He does not have to be taught to how to lie. Something in our nature is bent toward sin. Of course, some people sin more than others and some sins are more destructive than others, but still we are all sinners! Sinners from the moment of conception, bent toward evil and rebellion. This is why we have governments, laws, and rules to keep us in line. Without them we would have even more chaos.
As a result of our sinful, rebellious natures, the Scriptures tell us that we need to be set free. We are in chains to our selfish ways. The problem is that there is nothing within us that is able to break the chains. We need help! We are without strength!
The good news is that God has provided a way to be set free. His answer is Christ crucified! By trusting in Jesus’s death and resurrection your sinful nature can now have a new nature infused in your heart. With Christ’s nature, you can now please God. You now have a life worth living! You have strength for today and hope for tomorrow. Your life now counts for time and eternity! Trust Christ today and receive His divine nature! What an amazing gift He makes available to you!