Forever Free - Day 7
John 8:36
If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed!
In this passage Jesus was talking to the Jewish religious leaders. They believed that they were free because they were God’s chosen people. Jesus explained to them that it didn’t matter what their race or religious background was because they were still sinners. He explained to them that sin makes you a slave to and the servant of sin. They were extremely offended at this notion. They believed that they were better than other people because of their heritage. Jesus had to explain to them that they needed to be set “free indeed.”
Beloved, no matter how rich you may be, how healthy you are, how distinct your background and pedigree are, you are still a slave and servant of sin. You need to be set free! Jesus came to this earth to set us free from sin’s power and penalty. Sin’s power encapsulates us and it’s penalty is eternal death in hell. Jesus overcame sin and death by paying the penalty for sin!
God allowed Jesus to be punished and crucified so that He could forgive us. The way the Bible puts it is, “the just dying for the unjust!” Sin’s debt has been paid by Jesus. As a result, you can be set free forever! All you have to do is believe and turn to Jesus! Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection and you will be forever free! “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!”