“...all the city was moved...” - Matthew 21:10
What does it mean to move a city? How can one man do such a thing? As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, the town was in an uproar. People shouted, “Hosanna (save now)!” others were praising God and laying down palm branches and coats before him as a sign of humility and worship! The whole city was moved by this one humble man riding on a donkey. Yes, a donkey! There were no stallions, swords, and armies at His side, just one man and his donkey.
One humble man can move a whole city, an entire nation, and the world. His love and compassion changed so many lives. The multitudes heard of the feeding of 5,000 hungry people at Galilee and His mercy when he forgave the adulterous woman. They spoke of His weeping at Lazarus’s tomb and His power to resurrect the dead. Many saw the cleansed lepers and talked with the once blind. They listened to His authoritative words about God’s loving-kindness and forgiveness.
Beloved, has God’s love “moved” you to worship and praise? Have you experienced His forgiveness? Have you felt the waves of His love washing over you and cleanse you from all sin? When His love, forgiveness, and compassion enter into a life, a community or a nation, things are “moved” to ecstatic praise! Let Jesus in closer. Let Him search the secret places of your heart and cleanse you again. Let Him have His way, so that you will be “moved” in your spirit to praise Him and make a difference in the lives around you.