Magnify Jesus
“...He has risen!...” - Mark 16:6
Jesus rose from the dead! What does this mean to us? Why is one
man’s death and resurrection so important? The man who died and
rose from the dead is not only a man, but he is the God man. Yes, this
was the plan from the beginning. God became a man, lived a perfect,
holy, sinless life, shed His own blood, died on a cross, and rose from
the dead.
The resurrection proves to humanity that everything Jesus said about
Himself and the scriptures is true! The resurrection is the most
attested fact in human history. Sin has been paid for, and there is life
beyond the grave. Jesus rose from the dead for you. He demonstrates
His love through death and sacrifice. He displays His power to save
and grant eternal life through the resurrection. Since Jesus did all this
for you, what does He ask of you? He asks you to believe.
Humble yourself and admit to God that you need Him. Believe in
Jesus’s death, buried and resurrection, and you will live forever with
God in Heaven. Will you call out to him and believe?