Intense Affection
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” -
Matthew 24:35
At this time in Jesus’s ministry, He is only a few days away from His
crucifixion. The religious leaders have fully rejected Him. With that
in mind, Jesus wants to comfort the disciples and explains that He
will come again to rule and reign on the earth. He gives a detailed
outline of events that will preclude His future return. He says that
”heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass
Beloved, we must understand that Jesus’s words are true. His words
regarding life, death, heaven, hell, and judgment will all come to
pass exactly the way He said they will. Do you believe the words of
Jesus? According to the Bible, your eternal life depends on trusting
His word. If you simply call upon His name, repent of your sin, and
believe in your heart that He died for your sins and rose again from
the dead, then you will be saved for all of eternity. Remember His
words will never “pass away!”
The time is short, and Jesus is coming soon. In his first coming, He
came as a humble lamb to pay for the sins of the world. In His
second coming, He will come as a lion to judge the world. Life is
short. Why not rest on Jesus’s words and call upon them? What
better person to trust in all of history than Jesus Christ? Can you
sense in your heart that the words and works of Christ are the only
truth? Then call upon His name and be saved! Call out in prayer,
“God, I’m a sinner, I want to go to heaven, forgive me of my sin, I
believe Jesus died on a cross and took all my sins away and then rose
again from the dead. I believe he’s coming again. Please give me
eternal life!”