2 Corininthians 9

Pastor Mathew Nadworny

2 Corinthians 9:15
…thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!’…

In this context, Paul is teaching the church at Corinth to give liberally and freely. He also teaches them to give happily. Many times we only want to give to help others when it’s convenient, or when we have an abundance. Sometimes we don’t want to give at all. What we need to understand is that giving as a Christian is not only part of what we do, but who we are! We don’t give to get. We don’t give because we have to. We give because we have Christ’s nature in us! It’s who we are! God’s nature is to give! He gave His only Son as a sin offering! Paul says God’s gift is indescribable! You can’t even explain in words what God has done in giving us His Son, Jesus!
When we are filled up with that knowledge, it should flood our souls to the point of overflowing joy. The only reaction to receiving such a gift is to give back to others! We get to give our time, talent and treasures away as a token of gratitude for all that God has done. Give something away today!